Tasting Notes: Oktoberfest Bier from Paulaner Brauerei

For this installment of Tasting Notes, we do our part to keep Oktoberfest 2020 alive by getting into a pour of Oktoberfest Bier from Paulaner Brauerei (Munich, Germany).

Known as “Germany’s #1 Oktoberfest bier” and the “only bier served in Paulaner Oktoberfest tents,” Oktoberfest Bier is an Oktoberfest-style Lager that is “deep golden [in] color, full-bodied and wonderfully mellow, with a balanced harmonious taste and the pleasant fragrance of hops.” Coming in at 6% ABV, Oktoberfest Bier is “stronger and bolder than the usual lager” but still built for all day drinking during Oktoberfest festivities.

Oktoberfest Bier is available now and will hang around for as long as supplies last during Oktoberfest Season. You can expect to find this Seasonal Release available in 6-packs of 11.2 oz. bottles at select craft beer-friendly establishments located in Alabama, Florida, New York and throughout the rest of Paulaner USA’s nationwide distribution network. 

Now that the particulars are out of the way, let’s crack open a few bottles, fill a proper stein and have our own private Oktoberfest over some Tasting Notes!

Tasting Notes for Oktoberfest Bier from Paulaner Brauerei

Appearance: A quick, jubilant pour produces a Lager that is a rich gold in color and capped with over 2.5 fingers of fluffy white foam. When held to direct light, the beer glows as the golds brighten and take on some vibrantly rich straw yellow tones. The beer is pristine in clarity and shows off countless streams of carbonation bubbles dutifully rising to feed the top cap. Head retention is quite good, slowly falling to a lasting 1/4 finger that fills the mug’s dimples with pockets of lace after each pull.

Aroma: Noble hops are all over the nose, supplying an abundance of peppery, earthy and grassy notes. A grace of fruity melon eventually surfaces and then quickly gives way to a clean presence of pilsner malts.

Taste: That pilsner malt note carries over and sets the foundation of the flavor profile with some slightly sweet cereal notes alongside just a touch of toasted bread. The hops quickly balance those malty characteristics with a good deal of peppery and grassy notes that are tempered by a bit of melon and fresh pop of floral sweetness.

Mouthfeel: On the light side of medium in body with a healthy carbonation presence, this Oktoberfest is incredibly crisp, refreshing and easy-drinking. The balance is a damn near perfect mix of sweet maltiness and bright hoppiness, further raising the beer’s high level of drinkability. The 6% ABV is well-hidden and makes it far too easy to crush several mugs in a sitting. The aftertaste is just a whisper of grassy and floral hop notes.

Final Thoughts: After spending a little time with Paulaner’s Oktoberfest Bier, there is no doubt as to why this is a best-selling Oktoberfest offering in Germany. Thanks to its wonderfully enticing aromas and flavors and a level of drinkability that is off the charts, this Oktoberfest Bier is the perfect brew to drink liters at a time because it will not last long enough to warm up. If you are missing those Oktoberfest vibes right now, just go get a sixer of Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier and get your festive fix while it is still available. Prost!